Weekly content for business owners & deal makers. Get the inside scoop from a small business acquirer & operator. We share everything from deal sourcing, portfolio operations, maximizing cash flow, and generating return on investment.
Flyover Stocks is an investing newsletter that focuses on finding quality businesses with economic moats, led by talented stewards of shareholder capital. We will also discuss investing philosophy, strategy, portfolio management, and behavior.
Anker Capital is a regulated investment firm.
We post about capital allocation, quality companies, moats, incentives, and investing.
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Growth alone is overrated and resilience is underrated. Invest in companies that treat their capital as you treat yours. Do not focus on the next quarter, but rather in the next quarter-century. We spend 100+ hours on every company so you don't have to.
Inversor privado en empresas de calidad, explicado con sencillez. Comparto 10-12 ideas de inversión al año y mi camino en este mundo, íntegro y transparente, superando al S&P500 desde 2020. La calidad del trabajo hace que el 85% de suscriptores renueven.